Design a story-driven, responsive website, emphasizing impactful life-changing stories of students to help feature the Seattle Central College life experience. Central’s marketing and outreach team needed help adding an accessible and engaging recruitment tool to connect with everyday students.
Role: Project lead, content design, visual design, user experience
First I wireframed sketches so we could start to see what the content design might look like. We had brainstorming sessions about the content design. Start Your Life's Work was the name of the theme but we needed something short for the url. I said what about "Impact" and the lead writer agreed.
I did a lot of device sizing with Figma. We wanted the pictures to be big and the copy easy to read. I iterated so we could get a feel for how the stories would read depending on window size.
Story pages had each content field marked for the admin view. Building pages was simple for communications folx.
The communications team made sure to have the same lighting for each set of stories. The pages and grid looked cohesive.
The stories are impactful, inspiring, and hopeful. We took a device-agnostic approach and spent time crafting how they would read on small screens. We wanted the user experience to be enjoyable no matter what.
The site grew into a go-to for feature stories and events. Student Leadership held a mascot redesign contest and did the communication by posting on the site.
Impact has been a valuable way to feature the true grit of Seattle Central students . And it has proved to be a user-friendly structure for writers to quickly post new stories. We continue to add new features as needs arise.